Swallowing Treatment

Swallowing Treatment

Speech therapist for patients with swallowing disorders

Provides assessment and a range of treatments.

Stroke, brain trauma, Parkinson's disease, dementia, aging, etc. can all cause swallowing disorders.
Swallowing disorders can lead to serious consequences, such as aspiration pneumonia, and in severe cases, death.

    Common symptoms:
  • Coughing, wheezing, or frequent need to clear throat when eating
  • Requires several swallows to swallow food
  • Keeping food in your mouth often and taking too long to eat
  • Food remaining in the mouth after eating
  • Frequent drooling and food coming out of the mouth or nostrils
  • Food seems to be stuck in the throat or esophagus when eating
  • Voice becomes cloudy and unclear after swallowing
  • Frequently suffer from aspiration pneumonia or fever
  • Weight loss and dehydration


The swallowing assessment methods performed by therapists include: clinical assessment, X-ray swallowing examination (Videofluoroscopic Swallowing Study) and endoscopic swallowing examination (Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing).


The therapist will provide targeted swallowing treatment based on the patient’s swallowing condition.

  • Change food texture and liquid consistency
  • Change eating posture
  • Safe feeding tips
  • Deep pharyngeal muscle nerve stimulation method
  • Electrotherapy (Guardian Way®, Ampcare ESPTMT, VitalStim®)
  • MDTP treatment
  • Myofascial Release manual therapy
  • Swallowing muscle movement

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